
Established in 2007 as a non-profit organisation with the aim of creating an international framework for the coordinated development of future traffic and traveller information standards and services, membership of TISA is open to all public and private organisations with an interest in traffic and traveller information and that support the objectives of the Association.

“Connect with a vibrant community of industry experts and professionals to discuss topics of common interest and benefit from valuable insights and domain knowledge.”

Stéphanie Chaufton, TISA Senior Coordinator

Why Become a TISA Member ?

TISA creates value and increases your effectiveness in the ITS eco-system.

  • Harmonise your needs and aligns expectations across stakeholders over the whole mobility information services value chain.
  • Reduce development costs and support your business strategy.
  • Provide seamless traffic and travel services by using TISA standards, which ensures interoperability worldwide.
  • Shape TISA standards in collaboration with other members to fit your use cases and market needs.
  • Obtain TISA standards free of charge with the benefit of early access in advance of ISO publication.
  • Establish guidelines to ensure the quality of services and usability of TISA standards.
  • Access TISA software and tools free of charge.
  • Participate in TISA events and workshops.
  • Tap into 15 years of domain knowledge and experience within the ITS eco-system.
  • Articulate your requirements and expectations through contributing to industry position papers for policy initiatives and regulatory proposals in the ITS domain.

TISA Membership Fees

The Traveller Information Services Association has two fees for membership: a Joining Fee (payable once on joining) and an annual Membership Fee.

  • The Joining Fee is 4.000 Euro (+ VAT where applicable) and is payable once on joining by all prospective members. The Joining Fee recognises the considerable body of work already achieved by the founding organisations,
  • The Membership Fee is 5.000 Euro (+ VAT where applicable) per calendar year (January-December). Organisations joining in the second half of the year can obtain a reduction in their first year’s Membership Fee of 50% (from July) or 70% (from October) on the condition of committing to membership for the following year in addition.
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