Membership of TISA is open to all public and private organisations with an interest in traffic and traveller information and which support the objectives of the Association.

TISA Membership fees

TISA  has two fees for membership:

– a Joining Fee (payable once on joining)
– an annual Membership Fee.

  • The Once off Joining Fee is 4000 Euro (+ VAT where applicable) and is payable by all prospective members.
    The Joining Fee recognises the considerable body of work already achieved by the founding organisations.
  • The Membership Fee is 5000 Euro (+ VAT where applicable) per calendar year (January-December).

How to join?

The joining process for TISA is to download and complete this form EO19001-TISA_2019_Invoice_Request l and follow the enclosed instructions to send it to us.
We look forward to hearing from you!