3rd Revision of the Terms and Definitions of Safety Related Message Sets

Selection of DATEX II Situations, DENM and TPEG2-TEC Causes and TMC Events for EC high level Categories

In the Directive 2010/40/EU (“ITS Directive”) the European Commission developed as Priority Action C a EU Regulation named “Data and procedures for the provision, where possible, of road safety related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users”. It defines, amongst others a single list of categories for safety related traffic information to be provided without additional cost for the end user.

Thanks to the fruitful collaboration among Car2Car Communication Consortium, Data for Road Safety, DATEX II and TISA a third revision of the “Terms and definitions” has been issued on 19 February 2021. The document provides a subset of DATEX II situations, DENM and TPEG2-TEC causes and TMC Events, which shall be defined and declared as the message sets to be used for safety related messages.

Download the document : ITSTF20001_SafetyrelatedMessage-Sets-DATEXII_DENM_TPEG-TEC_TMC_ v1.5_FINAL